Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

2019.gada publikācijas

Zinātniskās publikācijas:

  1. Aboltins, A., Melece, L., Priekulis J. Model for ammonia emissions’ assessment and comparison of various dairy cattle farming systems and technologies.  Agronomy Research. - Vol. 17(2) (2019), p. 322-332. - ISSN 1406-894X <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://agronomy.emu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Vol17No2_Aboltins.pdf
  2.  Adamovics, A., Platace, R., Gulbe, I. The effect of fertilizers on grass dry matter yield and biomass quality. Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management : proceedings of the joint 20th symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd meeting of the EUCARPIA section "Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses", Zurich, Switzerland, 24-27 June 2019 / Agroscope, Swiss Grassland Society, European Grassland Federation - Wageningen, 2019. - (Grassland Science in Europe; vol. 24). - 113.-115.lpp. - ISBN 9783033072787.
  3. Adamovics, A., Platace, R., Ivanovs, S., Gulbe, I. The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer on the dry matter yield of tall fescue and festulolium grown as feedstock for combustion. Agronomy Research. - Vol. 17(6) (2019), 2146.–2157.lpp. - ISSN 1406-894X. <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://dspace.emu.ee/xmlui/handle/10492/5451
  4. Auzins, A. Analysis of environmental benefits from the optimization of urban traffic flow. 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 19, Issue 5.3: Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Section: Environmental economics, p. 35-41. - ISBN 9786197408867 - ISSN 1314-2704 - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. Proquest>
  5. Auzins, A., Krievina, A., Leimane, I. Environmental benefits from shortening soybean meal delivery chain in Latvia. 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 19, Issue 5.3: Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Section: Environmental economics, p. 275-281. - ISBN 9786197408867 - ISSN 1314-2704 - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. Proquest>
  6. Biukšāne, I. Production competitiveness of SMEs Enterprises in the Latvian Fishery Sector. Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference. - 6515.-6521. lpp. – ISBN 978-0-9998551-3-3. Pieejams: https://ibima.org/accepted-paper/production-competitiveness-of-smes-enterprises-in-the-latvian-fishery-sector/
  7.  Bratka V., Prauliņš A. The role and specifics of accounting system in small farms in Latvia.  6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences 2019: conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 26 August – 1 September 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 6, Issue 1: Political sciences. Law. Economics and finance, 497.-504.lpp. - ISBN 9786197408911 - ISSN 2682-9959. Pieejams: https://sgemsocial.org/index.php/elibrary-research-areas?view=publication&task=show&id=4076
  8. Bratka, V., Prauliņš, A. The EU farm accountancy data network as a tool for assessing the development of the agricultural sector in Latvia.  6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences 2019: conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 26 August – 1 September 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 6, Issue 2: Economics and finance. Business and management, p. 289-296. - ISBN 9786197408928 - ISSN 2682-9959 Pieejams: https://www.sgemsocial.org/index.php/elibrary?view=publication&task=show&id=4116
  9.  Degola, L., Sterna, V., Jansons, I., Zute, S. The nutrition value of soybeans grown in Latvia for pig feeding.  Agronomy Research. - Vol. 17(5) (2019), p. 1874–1880. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete>  Pieejams: https://agronomy.emu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/AR2019_Vol17No5_Degola.pdf
  10. Dimante, I., Mežaka, I., Gaile, Z. The effect of minituber weight on their field performance under a Northern European environment. Agronomy Research. - Vol. 17(2) (2019), p. 396-407. - ISSN 1406-894X <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://agronomy.emu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Vol17No2_Dimante.pdf
  11.  Jakobsone, I., Zute, S., Bleidere, M., Kantane, I., Ece, L., Bartkevics, V.  Macro and trace elements in oat cultivars bred in Latvia. Žemdirbystė = Agriculture. Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslo centro. Žemdirbystės institutas - Vol. 106(1) (2019), p. 21-28. - ISSN 1392-3196. <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Scopus> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85062368552&doi=10.13080%2fz-a.2019.106.003&origin=inward&txGid=df4d00c47e9ac14512f00168a32e10e3
  12. Kiiker, R.,  Skrabule, I.,  Ronis, A.,  Cooke, D. E. L., Hansen, J. G., Williams, I. H., Mänd, M., Runno‐Paurson, E. Diversity of populations of Phytophthora infestans in relation to patterns of potato crop management in Latvia and Lithuania. Plant Pathology. - Vol. 68(6), 1207.-1214.lpp. - ISSN 0032-0862 – <ind. Scopus> - <cit. Scopus (1 reizi)> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Current Contents Connect> Pieejams: https://bsppjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ppa.13030; https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85065169955&doi=10.1111%2fppa.13030&origin=inward&txGid=fb731803096e4842a0664b92a71a252d
  13. Krieviņa, A.,  Leimane, I. Comparison of the support for catch crops in the Baltic sea region countries. Research for Rural Development 2019 : annual 25th International scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, 15-17 May, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. - Jelgava, 2019. - Vol.2, 95.-102.lpp. - ISSN 2255-923X
  14. Krievina, A., Vaitiekuniene, J.,  Lakovskis, P. Effect of catch crops on reduction of soil erosion: case of Lielupe and Venta river basin districts . 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 19, Issue 5.3: Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Section: Environmental economics, p. 225-233. - ISBN 9786197408867 - ISSN 1314-2704 - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. Proquest> Pieejams: https://www.sgem.org/index.php/elibrary?view=publication&task=show&id=6184
  15. Ločmele, I.,  Legzdiņa, L.,  Piliksere, D.,  Gaile, Z.,  Kronberga, A. Assessment of spring barley populations in comparison to homogenous varieties. Research for Rural Development 2019 : annual 25th International scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, 15-17 May, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. - Jelgava, 2019. - Vol.2, 21.-28.lpp. - ISSN 2255-923X – <ind. Crossref> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/Research-for-Rural-Development/2019/LatviaResRuralDev_25th_2019_vol2-21-28.pdf
  16. Ločmele, I.,  Legzdiņa, L., Gaile, Z.,  Kronberga, A. Pirmās Latvijā izveidotās kombinēto krustojumu populācijas izvērtējums = Evaluation of the first Latvian composite cross. Ražas svētki "Vecauce – 2019": Gaidot starptautisko zinātnes vērtējumu : zinātniskā semināra rakstu krājums / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. SIA "LLU mācību un pētījumu saimniecība "Vecauce"". - Jelgava, 2019 - 37.-40.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483306 –Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/LLU-Vecauce/2019/LLU_Razas_svetki_Vecauce_2019-37-40.pdf
  17. Maļecka, S., Stramkale, V., Vaivode, A. Auzu un miežu šķirņu graudu ražība un kvalitāte atkarībā no mēslošanas normas un audzēšanas vietas. Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība : zinātniski praktiskās konferences raksti, Jelgava, Latvija, 21.febr. 2019 / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. - Jelgava, 2019. - 149.-152.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483245 - ISSN 2500-9451. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Latvia-lidzsvarota-lauksaimniec_rakstu_krajums_2019-149-152.pdf
  18. Melece, L.,  Shena, I. Organic beekeeping development in Latvia.  X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AgroSym 2019": book of proceedings, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3-6 October 2019 / University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. - Jahorina, 2019 - p. 1151-1157 - ISBN 9789997678720. Pieejams: agrosym.ues.rs.ba/agrosym/agrosym_2019/BOOK_OF_PROCEEDINGS_2019_FINAL.pdf#page=1151
  19.  Melece, L., Shena, I. Climate change adaptation options in Latvia's agriculture. X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AgroSym 2019": book of proceedings, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3-6 October 2019 / University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. - Jahorina, 2019 - p. 1363-1368 - ISBN 9789997678720. Pieejams: agrosym.ues.rs.ba/agrosym/agrosym_2019/BOOK_OF_PROCEEDINGS_2019_FINAL.pdf#page=1363
  20. Melece, L., Shena, I. Climate change adaptation policy: issues in Latvia.  18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development": proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. - Jelgava, 2019. - Vol. 18, p. 1605-1615. - ISSN 1691-5976. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. CABI Full text> - <ind. Web of Science> Pieejams: tf.llu.lv/conference/proceedings2019/Papers/N247.pdf
  21.  Melece, L., Shena, I. Development issues of organic agriculture in Latvia. 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 19, Issue 5.3: Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Section: Environmental economics, p. 147-154. - ISBN 9786197408867 - ISSN 1314-2704. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. Proquest> Pieejams: https://www.sgem.org/index.php/elibrary?view=publication&task=show&id=6174
  22. Melece, L., Shena, I. Issues of adaptation policy for climate change in Latvia. 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 19, Issue 4.1: Energy and clean technologies. Section: Nuclear technologies. Renewable energy sources and clean technologies. Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, p. 985-992. - ISBN 9786197408436 - ISSN 1314-2704. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. Proquest> Pieejams: https://www.sgem.org/index.php/elibrary?view=publication&task=show&id=5930
  23. Melece, L., Shena, I. Soil degradation and possible mitigation measures in Latvia. 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 19, Issue 3.2. Water resources. Forest, marine and ocean ecosystems. Section: Soil. Forest ecosystems, p. 395-402. - ISBN 9786197408829 - ISSN 1314-2704. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. Proquest> Pieejams: https://www.sgem.org/index.php/elibrary?view=publication&task=show&id=5745
  24. Nipers, A., Pilvere, I., Krievina, A., Bratka, V. Projecting investments and fixed assets in agriculture in Latvia.  18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development": proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. - Jelgava, 2019. - Vol. 18, p. 1779-1785. - ISSN 1691-5976. <ind. AGRIS> - <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. CABI Full text> - <ind. Web of Science> Pieejams: tf.llu.lv/conference/proceedings2019/Papers/N050.pdf 
  25. Peksa, K.,  Bankina, B. Characterization of puccinia recondita, the causal agent of brown rust: a review. Research for Rural Development 2019 : annual 25th International scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, 15-17 May, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. - Jelgava, 2019. - Vol.2, 70.-76.lpp. - ISSN 2255-923X - <ind. Crossref> - Pieejams:  https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/Research-for-Rural-Development/2019/LatviaResRuralDev_25th_2019_vol2-70-76.pdf
  26. Priekulis, J.,  Melece, L.,  Laurs, A. Development of ammonia emission calculation methodology for animal breeding sector = Rozwój metodologii kalkulacji emisji amoniaku dla sektora chowu zwierząt.  Проблемы интенсификации животноводства с учетом охраны окружающей среды и производства альтернативных источников энергии, в том числе биогаза : монография / Институт Технологических и Естественных наук в Фалентах - Фаленты-Варшава, 2019. - 131.-134.lpp. - ISBN 9788365426383.
  27.  Priekulis, J., Laurs, A., Melece, L. Ammonia emission reduction measures in dairy cattle farming.  18th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 22 - 24, 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. - Jelgava, 2019. - Vol. 18, p. 83-87. - ISSN 1691-5976. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. CABI full text> - <ind. EBSCO Academic Search Complete> - <ind. Web of Science>  Pieejams: tf.llu.lv/conference/proceedings2019/Papers/N091.pdf
  28.  Priekulis, J., Melece, L., Laurs, A. Most appropriate measures for reducing ammonia emissions in Latvia's pig and poultry housing.  Agronomy Research. - Vol. 17(3) (2019), p. 797-805. - ISSN 1406-894X. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://agronomy.emu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/BSE2019_Vol17No3_Priekulis.pdf
  29.  Pužulis, A.,  Miglavs, A.,  Lakovskis, P.,  Usca, M. Shrinking governance – economical aspects in Latvia case. 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences 2019: conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 26 Augusts – 1 September 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 6, Issue 2: Economics and finance. Business and management, p. 265-272. - ISBN 9786197408928 - ISSN 2682-9959
  30. Pužulis, A.,  Vēveris, A. Role of the european fishery fund support in the development of the Latvian costal areas. Research for Rural Development 2019 : annual 25th International scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, 15-17 May, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. - Jelgava, 2019. - Vol.2, 111.-117.lpp. - ISSN 2255-923X. Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/Research-for-Rural-Development/2019/LatviaResRuralDev_25th_2019_vol2.pdf
  31. Stafecka, I.,  Grauda, D., Stramkale, V. The evaluation of disease resistance of flax genotypes in relation to environmental factors. Žemdirbystė = Agriculture. Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslo centro. Žemdirbystės institutas - Vol. 106(4) (2019), p. 367–376. - ISSN 1392-3196 <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. Index Copernicus> - <ind. DOAJ> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. Crossref> Pieejams: http://www.zemdirbyste-agriculture.lt/1064_str47/
  32. Sterna, V., Kunkulberga, D., Straumite, E., Bernande, K. Naked barley influence on wheat bread quality. FoodBalt 2019: 13th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food. Nutrition. Well-Being": conference proceedings, Jelgava, May 2-3, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. Jelgava : LLU, 2019. - P. 98-102. - ISSN 2255-9817. <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Food Science Source> - <ind. EBSCOhost Central and Eastern European Academic Source> - <ind. EBSCO Discovery Service> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. CABI Full text> - <ind. AGRIS> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/foodbalt/2019/Sterna_et_al_N125_FoodBalt2019.pdf
  33. Strazdiņa, V., Maļecka, S., Damškalne, M., Fetere, V. Izsējas normas un rindstarpu atstatuma ietekme uz ziemas kviešu ražu un graudu kvalitāti = The impact of variable sowing rate and row spacing on winter wheat yield and grain quality. Ražas svētki "Vecauce – 2019": Gaidot starptautisko zinātnes vērtējumu : zinātniskā semināra rakstu krājums / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. SIA "LLU mācību un pētījumu saimniecība "Vecauce"". - Jelgava, 2019 - 49.-52.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483306.
  34.  Sturite, I., Kronberga, A., Strazdina, V., Kokare, A., Aassveen, M., Bergjord Olsen, A.K., Sterna, V., Straumite, E. Adaptability of hull-less barley varieties to different cropping systems and climatic conditions. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B - Plant & Soil Science. - Vol. 69(1) (2019), p. 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2018.1481995 - ISSN 0906-4710. <ind. Scopus> - <cit. Scopus (1 reizi)> - <ind. Web of Science> - <cit. Web of Science (1 reizi)> - <ind. Web of Science Current Contents Connect> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09064710.2018.1481995?journalCode=sagb20
  35. Ušča, M.,  Vinogradovs, I.,  Reķe, A.,  Immurs, D.V.,  Zariņa, A. Assessment of ecosystem services for planning of green infrastructure at the regional level. Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi : XII starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences raksti, Rēzekne, Latvija, 20.-22.jūnijs, 2019 / Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija. Inženieru fakultāte - Rēzekne, 2019. - 1. sēj., 315.-319.lpp. - ISSN 2256-070X. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. Crossref> Pieejams: journals.rta.lv/index.php/ETR/article/view/4085/4106
  36.  Veveris, A., Puzulis, A. The contribution of the LEADER approach to the development of rural areas in Latvia. Proceedings of the International scientific conference "Economic science for rural development", Jelgava, May 9-10, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Economics and Social Development. - Jelgava, 2019. - No 50 : Rural development and entrepreneurship. Production and co-operation in agriculture, p. 217-224. - ISBN 9789984483207 - ISSN 2255-9930. <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate> - <ind. CABI> - <ind. AGRIS> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/economic_science_rural/2019/Latvia_ESRD_50_2019-217-224.pdf
  37. Veveris, A.,  Praulins, A. Similarities and differences in the development of the agricultural sector in new member states after joining the EU. 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences 2019: conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 26 Augusts – 1 September 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Sofia, 2019. - Vol. 6, Issue 2 : Economics and finance. Business and management, p. 273-280. - ISBN 9786197408928 - ISSN 2682-9959
  38. Vojevoda, L., Skrabule, I. Suitability of potato varieties and breeding material for growing under stressful conditions in north Kurzeme region of Latvia.  9th International scientific conference "Rural development 2019: Research and innovation for bioeconomy": proceedings, Kaunas, Lithuania, 27-29 September 2019 / Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy - Kaunas, 2019. - In Press - ISSN 2345-0916 – Pieejams: https://ejournals.vdu.lt/index.php/rd/article/view/657/846
  39. Zarins, R., Kruma, Z., Skrabule, I. Changes of biologically active compound level in potatoes during storage under fluorescent light. FoodBalt 2019 : 13th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food. Nutrition. Well-Being": conference proceedings, Jelgava, May 2-3, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. Jelgava : LLU, 2019. - P. 125-130. - ISSN 2255-9817 <ind. Web of Science> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. EBSCOhost Food Science Source> - <ind. EBSCOhost Central and Eastern European Academic Source> - <ind. EBSCO Discovery Service> - <ind. CAB Abstracts> - <ind. CABI Full text> - <ind. AGRIS> - Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/foodbalt/2019/Zarins_et_al_N141_FoodBalt2019.pdf


  1. Aboltins,  A.,  Melece, L., Priekulis, J. Model for ammonia emissions’ assessment and comparison of various dairy cattle farming systems and technologies. 10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019 : book of abstracts, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May / Estonian University of Life Sciences - Tartu, 2019. - p. 95. - ISBN 9789949536818. Pieejams: https://dspace.emu.ee/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10492/4955/ABS_2019_Book_VV.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  2. Adamovics, A., Platace, R., Ivanovs, S., Gulbe, I. The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer on the dry matter yield of tall fescue and festulolium grown as feedstock for combustion. 10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019 : book of abstracts, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May / Estonian University of Life Sciences - Tartu, 2019. - P. 18. - ISBN 9789949536818. Pieejams: https://dspace.emu.ee/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10492/4955/ABS_2019_Book_VV.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  3. Bleidere, M., Grunte, I. Atšķirīgu meteoroloģisko apstākļu ietekme uz vasaras miežu šķirņu graudu ražu un kvalitāti. Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība : zinātniski praktiskās konferences tēzes, Jelgava, Latvija, 21.02.2019 / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. - Jelgava, 2019. - 18.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483146 - ISSN 2501-0255. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Tezes_lidzsvarota-lauksaimnieciba2019_LF.pdf#page=18
  4. Gailane, N., Jakobsone, I., Zute, S., Bleidere, M., Kantane, I., Bartkevics, V. Lignans in oats and barley bred in Latvia depending on cultivar, environment and agricultural practice. FoodBalt 2019 : 13th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food. Nutrition. Well-being" and NEEFOOD 2019 5th North and East European Congress on Food : abstract book, Jelgava, May 2-3, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. - Jelgava : LLU, 2019. - P. 119. - ISBN 9789984483177. - ISSN 2501-0190. <ind. AGRIS> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/foodbalt/2019/FoodBalt_2019_Abstract_book.pdf#page=119
  5. Maļecka, S., Stramkale, V., Vaivode, A. Perspektīvu, Latvijā selekcionēto auzu, miežu šķirņu integrētās audzēšanas demonstrējums. Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība: zinātniski praktiskās konferences tēzes, Jelgava, Latvija, 21.02.2019. / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. - Jelgava, 2019. - 28.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483146 - ISSN 2501-0255. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Tezes_lidzsvarota-lauksaimnieciba2019_LF.pdf#page=28
  6. Melece, L. Cost-effectiveness of ammonia emissions' reduction measures in dairy farms: Latvia's case. 10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019 : book of abstracts, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May / Estonian University of Life Sciences - Tartu, 2019. - P. 63. - ISBN 9789949536818. Pieejams: https://dspace.emu.ee/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10492/4955/ABS_2019_Book_VV.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  7. Melece, L. Opportunities of digital training in rural areas.  III International Economic Forum Business support: critical points, science-based solutions, international cooperation : program and abstracts book, Riga, Latvia, Oct. 31 – Nov. 1, 2019 / Institute of Economics of Latvian Academy of Sciences - Riga, 2019. - 53.lpp. - ISBN 9789984774251. Pieejams: https://www.economicforum.lv/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/AbstractBook.pdf
  8. Melece, L., Shena I. Climate change adaptation options in Latvia’s agriculture [elektroniskais resurss]. X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AgroSym 2019": book of abstracts Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3-6 October 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. - Jahorina, 2019 - 596.lpp. - ISBN 9789997678713
  9. Melece, L., Shena  I. Organic beekeeping development in Latvia [elektroniskais resurss].  X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AgroSym 2019": book of abstracts Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3-6 October 2019 [elektroniskais resurss] / University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. - Jahorina, 2019 - 512.lpp. - ISBN 9789997678713
  10. Piliksere, D., Lapiņš, D., Zariņa, L., Ņečajeva, J., Maļecka, S. Ziemas kviešu sējumu nezāļainība Latvijā 2013.-2017. gadā. Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība: zinātniski praktiskās konferences tēzes, Jelgava, Latvija, 21.02.2019 / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. - Jelgava, 2019. - 17.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483146 - ISSN 2501-0255. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Tezes_lidzsvarota-lauksaimnieciba2019_LF.pdf#page=17
  11. Priekulis, J., Melece, L., Laurs, A. Most appropriate measures for reducing ammonia emissions in Latvia's pig and poultry housing / //  10th International Conference on Biosystems Engineering 2019 : book of abstracts, Tartu, Estonia, 8-10 May / Estonian University of Life Sciences - Tartu, 2019. - P. 109. - ISBN 9789949536818. Pieejams: https://dspace.emu.ee/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10492/4955/ABS_2019_Book_VV.pdf#page
  12. Stafecka, I., Stramkale, V., Piliksere, D., Jansone, I. Kartupeļu šķirņu izvērtējums bioloģiskajā saimniekošanas sistēmā. Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība: zinātniski praktiskās konferences tēzes, Jelgava, Latvija, 21.02.2019. / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. - Jelgava, 2019. - 25.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483146 - ISSN 2501-0255. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete>  Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Tezes_lidzsvarota-lauksaimnieciba2019_LF.pdf#page=25
  13. Sterna, V., Kunkulberga, D., Straumite, E., Bernande, K. Naked barley influence on wheat bread quality. FoodBalt 2019: 13th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food. Nutrition. Well-being" and NEEFOOD 2019 5th North and East European Congress on Food: abstract book, Jelgava, May 2-3, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. - Jelgava : LLU, 2019. - P. 104. - ISBN 9789984483177. - ISSN 2501-0190. <ind. AGRIS> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/foodbalt/2019/FoodBalt_2019_Abstract_book.pdf#page=104
  14. Zariņa, L., Stramkale, V., Jansone, I., Lozbergs, A. Latvijā audzētu pākšaugu sugu un šķirņu demonstrējuma rezultāti bioloģiskās saimniekošanas apstākļos. Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība : zinātniski praktiskās konferences tēzes, Jelgava, Latvija, 21.02.2019. / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. - Jelgava, 2019. - 20.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483146 - ISSN 2501-0255. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Tezes_lidzsvarota-lauksaimnieciba2019_LF.pdf#page=20
  15. Zarins, R., Kruma, Z., Skrabule, I. Changes of biologically active compound level in potatoes during storage under fluorescent light. FoodBalt 2019 : 13th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food. Nutrition. Well-being" and NEEFOOD 2019 5th North and East European Congress on Food : abstract book, Jelgava, May 2-3, 2019 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. - Jelgava : LLU, 2019. - P. 64. - ISBN 9789984483177. - ISSN 2501-0190. Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/foodbalt/2019/FoodBalt_2019_Abstract_book.pdf#page=64
  16. Zute, S., Jansone, I., Stafecka, I., Justs, A. Klimatisko apstākļu ietekme uz sojas produktivitāti Latvijā 2018. gadā. Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība : zinātniski praktiskās konferences tēzes, Jelgava, Latvija, 21.02.2019. / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. - Jelgava, 2019. - 26.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483146 - ISSN 2501-0255. <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Tezes_lidzsvarota-lauksaimnieciba2019_LF.pdf#page=26

Populārzinātniskās publikācijas:

  1. Bleidere, M. Mieži pārtikai - šķirnes kvalitatīvu graudu ieguvei. Saimnieks. - Nr.3(177) (2019), 26.-29.lpp. - ISSN 1691-1598
  2. Bleidere, M., Grunte, I. Vasaras miežu šķirņu salīdzinājums. AgroTops. - Nr.3 (2019), 29.-31.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164
  3. Dimante, I., Skrabule, I. Vai Eiropa gatava jaunajai bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības regulai? AgroTops. - Nr.12 (2019), 22.-24.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164
  4. Ločmele, I., Legzdiņa, L. Pašapputes sugu populācijas un pirmie rezultāti to veidošanā Latvijā : [par vasaras miežu populācijas "Mirga" izpēti Agroresursu un ekonomikas institūta Priekuļu pētniecības centrā].  AgroTops. - Nr.11 (2019), 22.-25.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164
  5. Skrabule, I. Kartupelis gatavojas ziemai. AgroTops. - (Piel. "Augļu un dārzeņu uzglabāšanas knifi"). - Nr.8 (2019), 13.-17.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164
  6. Skrabule, I. Mazdārziņam vislabāk izvēlies agros kartupeļus.  Ievas Dārzs. - Nr.11 (2019), 36.-37.lpp. - ISSN 1691-6239
  7. Stabulniece, I.,  Lakovskis, P.,  Skrabule, I.,  Jansone, I.  AREI – jauns sākums. Ražas svētki "Vecauce – 2019": Gaidot starptautisko zinātnes vērtējumu : zinātniskā semināra rakstu krājums / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. SIA "LLU mācību un pētījumu saimniecība "Vecauce"" - Jelgava, 2019. - 87.-89.lpp. - ISBN 9789984483306 – Pieejams: https://llufb.llu.lv/conference/LLU-Vecauce/2019/LLU_Razas_svetki_Vecauce_2019-87-89.pdf
  8. Vaivode, A., Maļecka, S., Stramkale, V. Šķirņu pārbaude demonstrējumos - rezultāti un atziņas. AgroTops. - Nr.3 (2019), 32.-34.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164
  9. Zute, S., Vīcupe, Z. Kuras auzu šķirnes veiksmīgāk pārcieta sausumu? AgroTops. - Nr.4 (2019), 34.-36.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164
  10. Strazdiņa V., Fetere V. Vasaras kviešu šķirņu salīdzinājums. AgroTops. - Nr.3 (2019), 26.-28.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164
  11. Strazdiņa V., Fetere V. Ziemas kviešu šķirņu salīdzinājums Stendē.  AgroTops. - Nr.8 (2019), 28.-29.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164

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  13. Zariņa, L. Labību sējumu kopšana bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā. AgroTops. - Nr.2 (2019), 20.-21.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164

  14. Zariņa, L. Kas jāpatur prātā, audzējot pākšaugu-labību maisījumus.  AgroTops. - Nr.6 (2019), 32.-33.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164

  15. Zariņa, L. Par uztvērējaugu audzēšanas riskiem : [par starpkultūrām] AgroTops. - Nr.7 (2019), 20.-21.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164

  16. Zariņa, L. Nezāļu ierobežošanas stratēģijas bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā .  Saimnieks LV. - Nr.7 (181) (2019), 70., 72.lpp. - ISSN 1691-1598

  17. Zariņa, L. Paņēmieni kartupeļu asnošanas ierobežošanai glabātavās. AgroTops. - (Piel. "Augļu un dārzeņu uzglabāšanas knifi"). - Nr.8 (2019), 13.-17.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164

  18. Zariņa, L. Nezāļu ierobežošana bioloģiskajos sējumos rudenī. AgroTops. - Nr.8 (2019), 22.-23.lpp. - ISSN 1407-5164

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