Nr.p.k. |
Zinātniskā raksta, monogrāfijas bibliogrāfiskais apraksts vai intelektuālā īpašuma nosaukums |
Autora(-u) vārds, uzvārds |
Zinātnes apakšnozare |
Zinātniskais raksts Web of Science vai SCOPUS |
Datubāze, kurā ir pieejams zinātniskais raksts |
Publicēta recenzēta zinātniskā monogrāfija |
Intelektuālais īpašums |
2015 |
1 |
Bauskenieks M, Pole I, Skenders G, Jansone I, Broka L, Nodieva A, Ozere I, Kalvisa A, Ranka R, Baumanis V. Genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of aminoglycoside-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in Latvia. (2015)Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 2015 Mar; 81(3):177-82. |
Bauškenieks M. |
3.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
2 |
Biukšāne I. Factors, influencing viability of the projects in the Latvian Aquaculture sector. (2015) SGEM2015 Conference Proceedings, Book 2, Vol. 2, pp. 185-192. |
Biukšāne, I. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science |
3 |
Biukšāne I. The EU financial instruments Support and Return on Investments of fish processing in Latvia. (2015) Proceedings of 21st Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2015”, vol. 2, pp. 262-268 |
Biukšāne, I. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
4 |
Biukšāne I. Production capacity of fish processing in Latvia. (2015) Proceedings of 21st Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2015”, vol. 2, pp. 269-275 |
Biukšāne, I. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
5 |
Brunava, L., Jansone, Z., Alsiņa, I. Grain yield and its forming parameters variation of oat cultivars. (2015) Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 251-257. |
Brunava, L., Jansone, Z. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
6 |
Brunava, L., Vilmane, L., Zute, S. Influence of nitrogen application rate and meterological conditions on ß-glucan content in naked and husked oat grain. (2015) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 178-181. |
Brunava, L., Vilmane, L., Zute, S. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
7 |
Proskina, L., Cerina, S. Economic Efficiency of Feeding A Protein Concentrate Additive to Broiler Chickens. (2015) Economic Science for Rural Development 2015: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 37, Production and Co-operation in Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 59–66. |
Ceriņa, S. |
4.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
8 |
Dimante I., Gaile Z. The effect of planting density on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) minituber number, weight and multiplication rate. (2015) Research For Rural Development 2015. Annual 21th International Scientific Conference Proceedings. V. 1, 27-33. |
Dimante I |
4.1. |
1 |
SCOPUS (paredzēts iekļaut) |
9 |
Tamm, Y., Jansone, I., Zute, S., Jākobsone, I. Genetic andenvironmental variation of barely characteristics and the potential of local origin genotypes for food production. (2015) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 6, No. 94, pp. 163-169. |
Jansone, I., Zute, S. |
4.1., 1.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
10 |
Konosonoka, I.H., Osmane, B., Cerina, S., Krastina, V., Vitina, I.I., Valdovska A. Feeding technology impact on broiler productivity and instestinal tract microflora.(2015) Engineering for Rural Development: proceedings of 14th International Scientific Conference, Vol14. Jelgava: LLU, pp.126-132. |
Konošonoka, I.H., Ošmane, B., Ceriņa, S. |
4.2. |
1 |
11 |
Krievina A., Leimane I., Melece L. Role of Local Action Groups in Addressing Regional Development and Social Problems in Latvia. (2015) Proceedings of 21st Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2015”, vol. 2, pp. 146-153 |
Krievina A., Leimane I., Melece L. |
5.2., 5.9. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
12 |
Krievina A., Leimane I., Melece L. Analysis of Economic Aspects of LEADER Projects in Latvia. (2015) Economic Science for Rural Development, No 39, pp. 164-175. |
Krievina A., Leimane I., Melece L. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science |
13 |
Krievina A., Pilvere I., Nipers A. Agricultural Land Use Management Aspects in the Baltic Sea Region Countries. (2015) 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2015: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Book 5, Vol. 3, pp.19-28. |
Krievina, A. |
4.1., 5.2. |
1 |
14 |
Nipers A., Pilvere I., Krievina A. Sizes of Farmland Necessary for Earning Minimum Income and Investment Required for Farms of Various Specialisations in Latvia. (2015) Engineering for Rural Development, Vol. 14, pp. 705-712. |
Krievina, A. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
15 |
Pilvere I., Krievina A., Nipers A. Land Management Patterns in Latvia and its Regions. (2015) Economic Science for Rural Development, No 37, pp. 122-133. |
Krievina, A. |
5.2., 4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science |
16 |
Melece, L. Social Innovation and Its Types in Rural Areas. (2015) Economic Science for Rural Development, vol. 38, pp. 142-153. |
Melece, L. |
5.2., 5.9. |
1 |
Web of Science |
17 |
Priekulis, J., Aboltins, A., Laurs, A., Melece, L. Research in manure management in Latvia. (2015) 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015, Engineering for Rural Development, vol. 14, pp. 88-93. |
Melece, L. |
1.5., 4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
18 |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. Development of Local Food Systems in Latvia. (2015) Research for Rural Development. Proceedings 21st Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2015”, vol. 2, pp. 104-111. |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
19 |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. Assessment of Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact of Bioenergy in Latvia. (2015) 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2015, Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation Conference Proceedings, vol. III, pp. 101-108. |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. |
4.4., 5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
20 |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. Bioenergy Resources in Latvia. (2015) Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, vol. 2, pp. 190-196. |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. |
4.4., 5.2. |
1 |
21 |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. Issues of solid wood biomass development for bioenergy in Latvia. (2015) 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015, Engineering for Rural Development, vol. 14, pp. 483-489. |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
22 |
Grantina-Ievina L., Nikolajeva V., Rostoks N., Skrabule I., Zariņa L., Pogulis A., Ievinsh G. Impact of green manure and vermicompost on soil suppressiviness, soul microbial populations and plant growth in conditions of organic agriculture of northen temperate climate, Organic amendments and soil suppressiveness in plant disease managment. (2015) Soil Biology 46, Meghvansi M>K>, Varma A. (editors), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 381-399. |
Skrabule I., Zariņa L. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science |
23 |
Rungis, D.E., Voronova, A., Kokina, A., Skrabule, I., Rostoks, N. Assessment of genetic diversity and relatedness in the Latvian potato genetic resources collection by DArT genotyping. (2015) Plant genetic resources: Characterization and utilization, pp. 1-7. |
Skrabule I. |
4.4. |
1 |
24 |
Aav, A., Skrabule, I., Bimšteine, G., Kaart, T., Williams, I., Runno-Paurson E. The structure of mating type, metalaxyl resistance and virulence of Phytophthora infestans isolates colected from Latvia (2015), Zemdirbyste – Agriculture, Vol.102, No 3, 335-342. |
Skrabule I. |
4.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
25 |
Stafecka I., Stramkale V., Grauda D. . Yield development of flax varieties and lines within variable environment in Latvia.(2015) Environment. Technology. Resources : Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference : Rezekne, 18-20 June, 2015. Volume II, pp. 297.-302. |
Stafecka I., Stramkale V. |
4.1. |
1 |
26 |
Antone, U. Zagorska, J., Sterna, V., Jemeljanovs, A., Berzins, A., Ikauniece, D. Effects of dairy cow diet supplementation with carrots on milk composition, concentration of cow blood serum carotenes, and butter oil fat- soluble antioxidative substances. (2015) Agronomy Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 879-891. |
Sterna, V. |
2.11. |
1 |
SCOPUS, Web of Science abstracts |
27 |
Strazdina, V., Sterna, V., Jemeljanovs, A., Jansons, I., Ikauniece, D. Investigation of beaver meat obtained in Latvia. (2015) Agronomy Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1096-1103. |
Sterna, V. |
2.11. |
1 |
Scopus, Web of Science abstracts |
28 |
Sterna, V. Zute, S., Jakobsone, I. Grain composition and functional ingredients of barley varieties created in Latvia. (2015) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 158-162. |
Sterna, V. Zute, S. |
4.1., 1.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
29 |
Sterna, V., Zute, S., Jansone, I., Brunava, L., Kantane, I. The Chemical composition of new oat varieties and breeding lines created in Latvia. (2015) Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpilensis, Vol.15, No. 2, pp. 367-373. |
Sterna, V., Zute, S., Jansone, I., Brunava, L. |
4.1., 1.4. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
30 |
Kirilovs, E., Kukle, S., Beļakova, D., Borodiņecs, A., Ruciņš, Ā., Stramkale, V. Thermal conductivity of hemp based boards. (2015) Environment. Technology. Resources : Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific and Practical Conference : Rezekne, 18-20 June, 2015. Volume I, pp. 61.-66. |
Stramkale V. |
2.11 |
1 |
31 |
Ozolins, A., Veveris, A., Benga, E. The Role of EU Funds in Diversification of Rural Economy in Latvia. (2015) Proceedings of 21st Annual International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2015”, vol. 2, pp. 154-160. |
Veveris, A., Benga, E. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
32 |
Vilmane, L., Zute, S., Straumīte, E., Galoburda, R. Protein, amino acid and gluten content in oat (Avena sativa L.) grown in Latvia. (2015) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 170-177. |
Vilmane, L., Zute, S. |
4.1., 2.11. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
33 |
Vīcupe, Z., Jansone, Z., Brunava, L. The impact of hydrothermal conditions during vegetation period on grain quality traits of oat. (2015) Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 375-381. |
Vīcupe, Z., Jansone, Z. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
34 |
Vojevoda, L., Šteinberga, V., Gaile, Z. Effect of the peat elixir and vermicompost extract on the soil microflora in the potato plantatio. (2015) Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 221-226. |
Vojevoda, L. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
35 |
Zarina, L., Gerowitt, B., Melander, b., Salonen, J., Krawczuk, R. Verwijst, T. Crop diversification for weed management in organic arable cropping systems (2015). Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference Environment. Technology. Resources, Rezekne, 18 - 20 June 2015.Volume II, pp. 333-336. |
Zarina, L. |
4.1. |
1 |
SCOPUS (paredzēts iekļaut) |
36 |
Jakobsone, I., Kantane, I., Zute, S., Jansone, I., Bartkevičs, V. Macro-elements and trace elements in cereals grain cultived in Latvia. (2015) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 152-157. |
Zute, S., Jansone I. |
4.1., 1.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
2014 |
37 |
Biukšāne, I. Problems of fishery in Latvian ports and its development perspectives. (2014) Economic Science for Rural Development, vol. 34, pp. 22-30. |
Biukšāne, I. |
5.2., 4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science |
38 |
Bleidere, M., Zute, S., Timbar,e R., Bober,e N., Jakobsone, I., Paklone, M. Characterization of hulled oat grain physical and biochemical parameters significant for dietary products. (2014) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 68, 3/4 (690/691), pp. 166-173. |
Bleidere M., Zute S., Timbare R. |
4.1.; 1.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
39 |
Brunava, L., Alsiņa, I., Zute, S., Sterna, V., Vicupe, Z. Some chemical, yield and quality properties of domestic oat cultivars. (2014) In: 9th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “Food for Consumer Well-Being” FOODBALT 2014 Conference Proceedings, May 8-9, 2014, Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 72-76. |
Brunava L., Zute S., Sterna V., Vīcupe, Z. |
4.1.; 2.11. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
40 |
Brunava, L., Alsina, I. Lodging cause height at the centre of gravity changes during vegetation period for oat. (2014) In: Research for Rural Development 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 56-60. |
Brunava, L. |
4.1. |
1 |
Scopus |
41 |
Proskina, L., Cerina, S.Investigations on apple pomace used in red deer nutrition. Economic Science for Rural Development 2014 (2014): Proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 43 Production and Co-operation in Agriculture. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 59–66. |
Ceriņa, S |
4.2. |
1 |
42 |
Dimante, I., Gaile Z. Potato minitubers technology – its development and diversity: A review. (2014) Research For Rural Development 2014. Annual 20th International Scientific Conference Proceedings. V. 1, 69-76. |
Dimante I. |
4.1. |
1 |
43 |
Kokare, A., Legzdina, L., Beinarovica, I., Maliepaard, C., Niks, R. E. and Lammerts van Bueren, E. T. Performance of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) varieties under organic and conventional conditions (2014). Euphytica, 197 (2), 279-293. |
Kokare, A., Legzdiņa, L., Beinaroviča, I. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
44 |
Valdovska, A., Jemeljanovs, A., Pilmane, M., Zitare, I., Konosonoka, I.H., Lazdins, M. Alternative for improving gut microbiota: use of Jerusalem artichoke and probiotics in diet of weaned piglets (2014). Polish Journal of Veterinary Science. Volume 17(1), pp. 61-69. |
Konošonoka, I.H. |
4.2. |
1 |
45 |
Krievina, A., Melece, L. Support to Bioenergy and Its Impact on Competitiveness of Latvian Agribusiness. (2014) Economic Science for Rural Development, vol. 34, pp. 40-49. |
Krievina, A., Melece, L. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science |
46 |
Krieviņa, A. Loyalty of Consumers to Food in Latvia. (2014) Economic Science for Rural Development, No 35, pp. 62-70. |
Krieviņa, A. |
1 |
Web of Science |
47 |
Pilvere, I., Nipers, A., Krieviņa, A., Upīte, I., Grīnberga-Zālīte, G. Latvijas pārtikas nozares konkurētspējas rādītāju salīdzinošā analīze Latvijā, Lietuvā, Igaunijā, Polijā un Krievijā. (2014) Jelgava: LLU, 200 lpp. |
Krieviņa, A. |
5.2. |
1 |
48 |
Legzdina L., Nakurte I., Kirhnere I., Namniece J., Krigere L., Saleniece K., Beinarovica I., Muceniece R. Up to 92 % increase of cancer-preventing lunasin in organic spring barley. (2014) Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 34(4), 783-791. |
Legzdina L., Beinaroviča I. |
4.1., 3.3. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
49 |
Kolodinska Brantestam, A., Legzdiņa, L., Cristensen, T., Weibull, J., von Bothmer, R., Martynov, S., Yndgaard, F., Rashal, I. Characterisation of agronomic performance of baltic spring barley material ( 2014). Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, 68, Nr.3/4, 119-132. |
Legzdiņa, L |
4.1. |
1 |
50 |
Legzdiņa, L., Strazdiņa, V., Beinaroviča, I., Muceniece R. Effect of genotype and farming system on concentration of mineral elements in organically and conventionally grown cereals (2014). Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, 68, Nr. 3/4, 148-157. |
Legzdiņa, L., Beinaroviča, I, Strazdiņa, V. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
51 |
Viesturs, D., Melece, L. Advantages and Disadvantages of Biofuels: Observations in Latvia. (2014) 13th International Scientific Conference „Engineering for Rural Development”, Proceedings, Vol. 13, May 29-30, pp. 210-215. |
Melece, L. |
1 |
52 |
Melece, L., Hazners, J. Evaluation of Latvia’s Agri-Food Trade Using the Gravity Model. (2014) Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 159, Issue 9, pp. 518-526. |
Melece, L., Hazners, J. |
5.2. |
1 |
53 |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. Fuelwood Support: Results of Rural Development Programme in Latvia. (2014) SGEM2014 Conference on Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism, Conference Proceedings, Vol. 3, pp. 231-238. |
Melece, L., Krievina, A. |
1 |
54 |
Melece, L., Lakovskis, P. Land Use Change and Bioenergy in Latvia. (2014) Economic Science for Rural Development, vol. 34, pp. 180-189. |
Melece, L., Lakovskis, P. |
1 |
Web of Science |
55 |
Zoteyeva, N., Mežaka, I., Vilcāne, D., Carlson-Nilsson, U., Skrabule, I., Rostoks, N. Assessment of genes R1 and R3 confering resistance to late blight and of gene RYsto confering resistance to potato virus Y in two wild species accessions and their hybrid progenies (2014) . Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Science, section B: natural, exact and applied sciences. V.68, Nr.3/4, 133-141. |
Mežaka I., Skrabule I. |
4.1. |
1 |
56 |
Murniece, I., Tomsone, L., Skrabule, I., Vaivode, A. Carotenoids and total phenolic content in potatoes with different flesh colour (2014). 9th Baltic conference on food science and technology „Food for consumer well-being” FOODBALT 2014, Conference Proceedings, 206-2011. |
Skrabule I., Vaivode, A. |
2.11. |
1 |
Web of Science |
57 |
Ikauniece, D., Jemeljanovs, A., Sterna, V., Strazdina, V. Evaluation of nutrition value of roman snail’s (Helix pomatia) meat obtained. (2014) In: 9th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food for consumer well-being" Latvia FOODBALT 2014 Conference proceedings, May 8-9, 2014, Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 28-31. |
Sterna V. |
2.11. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
58 |
Sterna, V., Zute, S., Brunava, L., Vicupe, Z. Lipid composition of oat grain grown in Latvia. (2014) In: 9th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “Food for Consumer Well-Being” FOODBALT 2014 Conference Proceedings, May 8-9, 2014, Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 77-80. |
Sterna V., Zute S., Brunava L., Vīcupe, Z. |
4.1., 2.11. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
59 |
Strazdina, V., Jemeljanovs, A., Sterna, V., Ikauniece, D. Nutritional characteristics of wild boar meat hunted. (2014) In: 9th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food for consumer well-being" Latvia FOODBALT 2014 Conference proceedings, May 8-9, 2014, Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 32-36. |
Sterna, V. |
2.11. |
1 |
Web of Science |
60 |
Veveris, A. Investment Support and its Impact on the Economic Results of Rural Farms of Different Groups. (2014) Economic Science for Rural Development No. 34, pp. 154-162. |
Veveris, A. |
1 |
Web of Science |
2013 |
61 |
Bankina, B., Kronberga, A., Kokare, A., Maļecka, S., & Bimšteine, G. Development of Rye Leaf Diseases and Possibilities for Their Control (2013). . Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences, 67(3), 259–263. |
Kronberga, A., Kokare, A, Maļecka S. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
62 |
Bleidere, M. , Zute, S., Brunava, L., Bobere, N., Jakobsone, I. Yield and grain quality of hulless spring barley in field trials under different nitogen management conditions. (2013) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 229-235. |
Bleidere M. , Zute S., Brunava L. |
4.1., 1.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
63 |
Bleidere, M., Zute, S., Jakobsone, I. Characterisation of physical and biochemical traits of hulless spring barley grain in the Latvian breeding programme. (2013) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 67, No. 4/5, pp. 399-404. |
Bleidere M., Zute S. |
4.1., 1.4. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
64 |
Bremanis, G., Klavins, M., Purmalis, O., Ziemelis, R., Malecka, S. Peat humic substances and earthworm biohumus extracts for agricultural applications. (2013) Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 236-241. |
Bremanis G., Malecka S. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
65 |
Bremanis G., Malecka S., Timbare R. Effect of an organic origin extracts to yield of oats under conventional and organic growing conditions. (2013) Acta Biolobica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis, 13(1), pp. 9-14. |
Bremanis G., Malecka S., Timbare R. |
4.1. |
1 |
Web of Science abstracts |
66 |
Brunava, L., Alsina, I. Evaluation of yield and grain quality of oat cultivars. (2013) In: Annual 19th International Scientific Conference Proceedings „Research for rural development 2013”, Vol. 1, pp. 18-22. |
Brunava, L. |
4.1. |
1 |
67 |
Polis, O., Korica, A., Vītiņa, Ī., Krastiņa, V., Ceriņa, S., Jansons, J., Jemeļjanovs, A., Aņenkova, R., Lujane, B. Use of new feed ingredients on the basis of tree foliage extractives (2013). 13th SGEM Geo conference on Nano, Bio And Green – Technologies For A Sustainable Future,, SGEM Conference Proceedings, pp. 331-338. |
Ceriņa, S. |
4.2. |
1 |
68 |
Vītiņa, Ī. I. Krastiņa, V., Ceriņa, S., Aņenkova, R.,. Putnu gaļas ražošana. No: Latvijas iedzīvotāju pārtikā lietojamās gaļas raksturojums. (2013) Red. A.Jemeļjanovs. LLU Biotehnoloģijas un veterinārmedicīnas zinātniskais institūts „Sigra”. 211.-254. lpp. |
Ceriņa, S. |
4.2. |
1 |
69 |
Platace, R., Adamovics, A., Gulbe, I. Assessment of factors influencing potassium content in reed canary grass/poplar pellets and grass plants. (2013) Proceedings „13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference and EXPO”, pp. 49-56. |
Gulbe, I. |
4. |
1 |
70 |
Platace, R., Adamovics, A., Gulbe, I. Assessment of factors influencing potassium content in osier pellets. (2013) Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference on „Engineering for Rural Development 2013”, vol. 12, pp. 643-647. |
Gulbe, I. |
4. |
1 |
71 |
Platace, R., Adamovics, A., Gulbe, I. Evaluation of factors influencing calorific value of reed canary grass spring and autumn yield. (2013) Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference on „Engineering for Rural Development 2013”, pp. 521-525. |
Gulbe, I. |
4. |
1 |
72 |
Hazners, J., Jirgena, H. Polycentricity measures and regional disparities. (2013) Annual 19th International Scientific Conference Proceedings „Research for Rural Development 2013”, vol. 2, pp. 201-207. |
Hazners, J. |
5.2. |
1 |
Web of Science, SCOPUS |
73 |
Jansone, I., Gaile, Z. Production of bioethanol from starch based Agriculture raw material. (2013) In: Annual 19th International Scientific Conference Proceedings „Research for Rural Development 2013”, Jelgava, LLU, Latvia, pp. 35-42. |
Jansone, I. |
4.1. |
1 |
74 |
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