Ieva Leimane
E-pasts: ieva.leimane[at]
Lauksaimniecības attīstības un ekonomisko attiecību daļa
Leimane I., Krieviņa A. Performance of Mixed and Specialized Farming in the Context of Sustainable Development in Latvia. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM Proceedings, p. 615-621. <ind. Scopus> - <ind. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete> - <ind. Crossref> - <ind. Proquest>
Modelling of farm-gate nitrogen balance in dairy farming - case study of Latvia / Alberts Auzins, Ieva Leimane, Silvija Dreijere // 22nd International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24-26, 2023 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. - Jelgava, 2023. - Vol.22, 864.-871.lpp. - ISSN 1691-5976
Evaluation of environmental and economic performance of crop production in relation to crop rotation, catch crops, and tillage / Alberts Auzins, Ieva Leimane, Agnese Krievina, Inga Morozova, Andris Miglavs, Peteris Lakovskis // Agriculture. - Vol. 13(8) (2023), article number 1539. - ISSN 2077-0472
Economically viable solutions for plant protein production in Latvia / Sanita Zute, Ieva Leimane // Latvian Academy of Sciences YearBook 2023 / Latvian Academy of Sciences - Riga : Zinātne Ltd, 2023. - 71.-75.lpp. - ISBN 9789934599453