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Crop diversification and weeds (Prodiva)

Project is cordinated from CORE Organic Plus program that is a ERA-NET project and is financed from EU 7th framework projects
Duration: 2015 - 2018

Livija Zarina livija.zarina@arei.lv


This research project aim satverifying the hypothesis

a) detrimental weed communities can be disrupted through strategic diversification of crop rotations without compromising species diversity and over-all crop production;

b) perennial weeds can be suppressed in the post-harvest period by improved cover crop establishment and pertinent selection of cover crop species;

c) crop mixtures and variety mixtures have greater suppressive abilities against weeds than the sole cropor variety;

d) on-farm practices of crop diversification are related to weed pressure and species composition.

The project involves 5 partners from five countries: Denmark,  Finland, Germany, Latvia and Poland.